Friday, June 11, 2010

60th Reunion Album

The 60th Reunion Album is starting to come together. Check it out at the Singing Saints website by clicking here.

If you have photos you want to share, send them to us.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

60th Reunion

More than 40 alumni and current Saints took part in a weekend of rehearsals, receptions and concerts (both formal and inpromptu). The high point of the weekend was the 60th Reunion Concert, where hundreds of other alumni turned out in Gunnison Memorial Chapel to help celebrate. The group of Saints--with every decade from the '50s to the teens represented--put on a show spanning 60 years of music and history. The Singing Saints 60th Reunion was a great success and we all look forward to the 65th Reunion.

Watch this space for more pictures and video from the weekend.